What Inspires You?

Everyone has a moment of inspiration now and then. It could come from something someone said, or did, or something you saw. Or all of the above. Many things inspire me, but today I want to share two of the reasons that inspired me to start blogging.

It started back when I was in Jr. High, the last time I had a “blog”. I use that term loosely because at that age, it was more like a pre-adolescent venting space. Having an online diary at that age, was not a good idea. I was not a great writer nor was I very confident in my writing skills so I have abstained from having a blog ever since. Ok, jump forward to the present.

My older sister is a very smart, beautiful and successful woman. She graduated college as Valedictorian of her college graduating class. Today, she is in an entrepreneur in the Health and Wellness industry and owns her own company. She is very socially involved in the community and always going to the hottest events in the city. She seems to know everyone, everywhere. Not easy to follow in those footsteps, let me tell you. I am very proud of her and the success she has achieved, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t sometimes make me feel unimportant or as if I haven’t accomplished anything.

Like my sister, I also graduated with a degree in Journalism. I currently work in Media but sadly do not write much anymore. But I do read. For the past year or so, I have been a frequent visitor of LaurieSteiner.com a blog of a very dear college friend of mine. If you haven’t checked out her blog yet, I highly recommend it. Her posts are thought-provoking, timeless, easy to relate to, and her writing style is very natural. I love taking a break from my day, reading her blog, and seeing what she has to share. I always thought it would be cool to do something like this too, but didn’t know if I could successfully do it; inside me was still that shy girl unsure of the blogging world. Laurie’s blog reminded me how much I have missed writing and being creative.
I saw the success of these two amazing women and realized I have more to offer than I am currently contributing. I woke up yesterday and had my ‘Ah Ha’ moment where I decided that I have been watching from the sidelines for long enough.  I thought, I can do it! I put my fears and doubts aside and decided to go for it.  Thanks for being you and inspiring me!

When Laurie started her own blog, her goal wasn’t to inspire others to start one of their own but rather have a place for her to house her ideas, thoughts and publications. But that’s just it. It wasn’t her intention, but a welcome bonus. You never know how your actions will affect and inspire others.

The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything. – Theodore Roosevelt
So now I ask you – What inspires you?


New Year, New Adventures!

Hi, welcome to my blog.  Let me share with you a little blurb about myself.  I graduated from Indiana University with a degree in Journalism. Not too long after graduation, I had a job as a Media Buyer in Chicago and pursued my career path in Media.  I love this direction my life has taken me but recently I was reminded that while I love technology and writing, I haven’t done much with it in a while.  I have been thinking about starting my own blog for a while now, but never did anything about it.  But this morning I decided to change that.  What better time than Now?

I know I am a little late on the New Years resolution bandwagon, but it is still January and better late than never, right?  So as I embark on this journey, I realize I have a lot to learn and am looking forward to what lies ahead. I am very excited to begin this new adventure and share it with you.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated!
