Gratitude: Travel

Today, traffic jams and flight delays frustrate us to no end. We never seem to get anywhere fast enough. But when you stop and put it into perspective, we really take for granted how good we have it today compared to our great-great grandparents.  I found this map of Rates of Travel in 1800 and it just blew me away. That’s about 6 weeks from DC to Chicago. Can you imagine what life would be like without planes that allow us to go anywhere in the world? Think about what a plane is,  (big heavy tubes that fly in the air. It’s incredible how it has revolutionized how we travel the world today. Modern travel truly amazes me.  I am grateful for travel; it rejuvenates my soul and refocuses me. It makes me appreciate life.

Think about this chart next time your flight is delayed even an hour.



Travel in 1800 via Mother Nature Network (