No drinks for me this year, I’m pledging my birthday to Charity: Water.

Christmas Eve is in exactly six days. Which means my birthday is also in six days. People tend to forget about birthdays this time of year as they get lost in the shuffle and excitement of THE HOLIDAYS! Instead of wishing people to remember my birthday, my wish this year is that we can give back by remembering those who are not as privileged as us.

Growing up, I’ve been very lucky to have a very loving and supportive family. I’ve never really asked for much. Yet, I’ve still been given bountiful opportunities and received birthday gifts. Usually my birthday consists of birthday dinners and celebrations with friends and family.

But something shifted for me this year and I’ve come to realize just how much of my life I want to spend helping others. I’ve had amazing opportunities; I’m privileged to have the experiences that I have had. I went to overnight summer camp every summer as a child, I went to a Big 10 university and got a degree. I graduated without any debt and I studied in Florence, Italy for a semester. I’ve been to 24 countries already, I backpacked for four weeks through Europe and recently went to Tanzania just to pursue a volunteering dream. This list goes on but in the end it comes down to the fact that I am very lucky to have had all the opportunities I’ve had.

I know that while I have had all these experiences, there are many out there who only know a life of war and poverty, of struggle and hardship. When I was in Africa, I saw people drinking from the same stream that they bathed in. I saw rusted flimsy roof tops and people walking miles upon miles just for water and to provide for their family.

I often donate to friend’s causes like honoring loved ones or running a marathon.When disaster strikes, whether it was the Tsunami in Japan or Hurricane Sandy, I give money to the Red Cross. I hadn’t actually shown up on the doorstep ready to make a difference myself until I went to Tanzania. I had a life long dream of volunteering and having an impact on someone else’s life so I went to Africa, to actually DO something, not just pay for change, but to DO it. I started Social Impact Project for this reason, too. And I am proud to know that I accomplished that. But I don’t want it to stop there.

So this year, I am doing something different. I am continuing my efforts to make a difference, to make it part of my lifestyle rather than just  something I did once.

And that is why for my 28th birthday I want to start it off by giving back and helping others. I am pledging my birthday for a cause that gives 100% of what it raises and uses it to bring clean drinking water to those in need. I am pledging my birthday to help Charity: Water.

We take so much for granted and clean water is just one of many things. If you’re interested in reading about all the ways clean water can change the world, you can find them at Charity: Water.
So great Caryn, you are pledging your birthday. What does this mean?
This year, I am committed to raising $1,000 dollars for this cause. I realize I am not giving $1,000 of my own money; I’m asking my friends to help me.
This year, I will not let people buy me dinner to celebrate me. I want to celebrate life.

This year, no one is allowed to buy me drinks. Sure, I’ll have my friends get together, instead of buying me drinks on my birthday, I’m asking friends to take that money and put it towards something that actually matters.

I used to hate having my birthday at the end of the year, around the holidays. But I’ve come to realize, it is symbolic with starting the whole year over, starting fresh not only as the date changes but as another birthday passes. This year, as I head into another year, my 28th year, I want to start it off by giving back.
I have no idea if I’ll reach my goal. But it isn’t so much about the number as it is about helping somebody who deserves it, somebody who actually needs that “drink” for survival.

That is the best birthday gift I could ask for.

Thank you!

Here is a link to my birthday Charity: Water page.

Author: Caryn

Hi! My name is Caryn. I'm a midwest transplant living on the east coast. I love games, asking questions, making lists, and sunshine. I dream of someday owning an antique car, starting my own charity, and traveling the world. Welcome to my Blog!

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